
“I want people to be able to make an informed choice”: How Québec naturopaths discuss vaccination in their practice.

Health care providers’ recommendations can play an important role in individuals’ vaccination decisions. Despite being one of the most popular complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), naturopathy is understudied in relation to vaccination decisions. We sought to address this gap through this study of vaccination perspectives of naturopathy practitioners in the province of Quebec, Canada.

We conducted in-depth interviews with 30 naturopaths. Thematic analysis was conducted. Main themes were developed deductively (i.e., based on prior literature) and expanded through inductive coding of the data. 

Participants noted that they discuss vaccination in their practice, but only when clients asked questions or wanted advice. Naturopaths described refraining from explicitly recommending for or against vaccination. Instead, they focus on empowering their clients to make their own informed decision regarding vaccination. Most participants noted that they direct clients towards sources of information so that clients could decide for themselves, but some mentioned they discussed with clients what they considered to be risks associated with vaccination, as well as its benefits. These discussions were framed through a personalized and individual approach with clients.

Full resource available here.


Malo B, Labbé F, Meyer SB, Filice E, Graham JE, MacDonald NE, Bettinger JA, Greyson D, MacDonald SE, Driedger SM, Kawchuk G, Dubé È.

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