
We share our research findings through peer-reviewed publications, as well as reports to research partners and knowledge users. Some of our project outcomes include additional resources, such as videos or information sheets.

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“I don’t think there’s a point for me to discuss it with my patients”: Exploring health care providers’ views and behaviours regarding COVID-19 vaccination

“I try to take all the time needed, even if I do not have it!”: Knowledge, attitudes, practices of perinatal care providers in Canada about vaccination.

“I want people to be able to make an informed choice”: How Québec naturopaths discuss vaccination in their practice.

“If I’m a naturopath, it’s because I trust nature above everything else”: Canadian naturopaths’ construction of vaccination as a risk object.

“it’s really embarrassing […] to ask for help”: Navigating invisible and intersecting inequities in barriers to getting vaccinated

“We need to protect each other”: COVID-19 vaccination intentions and concerns among Racialized minorities and Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

“You can push these conversations, but don’t push your patient away”: healthcare learner perspectives on virtual simulation games as an educational approach to address vaccine hesitancy

A Missed Opportunity: Evaluating Immunization Status and Barriers in Hospitalized Children

A personalized avatar-based web application to help people understand how social distancing can reduce the spread of COVID-19: Cross-sectional, observational, pre-post study.

A prospective comparative study of children with gastroenteritis: Emergency department compared with symptomatic care at home.

A qualitative investigation of facilitators and barriers to accessing COVID-19 vaccines among Racialized and Indigenous Peoples in Canada

A web application about herd immunity using personalized avatars: Development study.

Acceptability, access, and uptake of human papillomavirus vaccination in mental health populations: A scoping review

Addressing non-response bias in postal surveys

Alberta Provincial Pediatric EnTeric Infection TEam (APPETITE): Epidemiology, emerging organisms, and economics.

An evaluation of parents’ experiences of patient engagement in research to develop a digital knowledge translation tool: Multi-method study protocol.

Are we speaking the same language? An argument for the consistent use of terminology and definitions for childhood vaccination indicators

Association of COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy with adverse peripartum outcomes.

Attribution of pediatric acute gastroenteritis episodes and emergency department visits to norovirus genogroups I and II.

Background incidence rates of hospitalizations and emergency departments visits for thromboembolic and coagulation disorders in Ontario, Canada for COVID-19 vaccine safety assessment: A population based retrospective observational study.

Barriers and facilitators to COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among people incarcerated in Canadian federal prisons: A qualitative study.

Barriers and supports for uptake of human papillomavirus vaccination in Indigenous people globally: A systematic review.

Barriers to timely administration of hepatitis B birth dose vaccine to neonates of mothers with hepatitis B in Ghana: Midwives’ perspectives.

Barriers, supports, and effective interventions for uptake of human papillomavirus- and other vaccines within global and Canadian Indigenous peoples: A systematic review protocol

Canadian parents’ perceptions of COVID-19 vaccination and intention to vaccinate their children: Results from a cross-sectional national survey

Challenges and opportunities of school-based HPV vaccination in Canada

Characterizing pain in children with acute gastroenteritis who present for emergency care.

Characterizing the pain experience of children with acute gastroenteritis based on identified pathogens.

Childhood immunization appointment reminders and recalls: Strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to increase vaccine coverage

Continuity of routine immunization programs in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic

Correct preparation and administration of Oral Rehydration Solution: Essential for safe and effective home treatment of childhood diarrhea in Indonesia

Coverage and determinants of uptake for privately funded rotavirus vaccine in a Canadian birth cohort, 2008-2013

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – British Columbia

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Manitoba

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Ontario

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Saskatchewan

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – New Brunswick

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Newfoundland and Labrador

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Northwest Territories

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Nova Scotia

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Nunavut

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Prince Edward Island

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Québec

COVID Immunization in Pregnancy – Yukon

COVID-19 pandemic impact on childhood vaccination coverage in Quebec, Canada

COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and preference for future delivery among language minority, newcomer, and Racialized peoples in Canada: A national cross-sectional study.

COVID-19 vaccine coverage among immigrants and refugees in Alberta: A population-based cross-sectional study

COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against omicron infection and hospitalization.

COVID-19 vaccine uptake and intention during pregnancy in Canada

Determinants of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine willingness among people incarcerated in three Canadian federal prisons: A cross-sectional study.

Development and evaluation of virtual simulation games to increase the confidence and self-efficacy of healthcare learners in vaccine communication, advocacy, and promotion.

Do children who receive an ‘early dose’ of MMR vaccine during a measles outbreak return for their regularly scheduled dose? A retrospective population-based study

Effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccines against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 outcomes in Ontario, Canada: A test-negative design study.

Effectiveness of hospital-based strategies for improvising childhood immunization coverage: A systematic review

Embracing the population health framework in nursing research

Enhancing HPV vaccine uptake in girls and boys – A qualitative analysis of Canadian school-based vaccination programs.

Entering uncharted waters: Navigating the transition from trainee to career for the non-physician clinician scientist

Enteropathogen detection in children with diarrhoea, or vomiting, or both, comparing rectal flocked swabs with stool specimens: An outpatient cohort study.

Environmental scan of provincial and territorial planning for COVID-19 vaccination programs in Canada

Evaluating the individual healthcare costs and burden of disease associated with RSV across age groups

Exploring parents’ views of the use of narratives to promote childhood vaccination online.

Exploring the heterogeneity among partially vaccinated children in a population-based cohort

Factors affecting hesitancy toward COVID-19 vaccine booster doses in Canada: A cross-national survey.

Features of human papillomavirus vaccination education strategies in low-and middle-income countries: A scoping review

First Nations people’s perspectives on barriers and supports for enhancing HPV vaccination: Foundations for sustainable, community-driven strategies

Gaps in knowledge about the vaccine coverage of immunocompromised children: A scoping review

Hesitancy towards COVID-19 vaccines on social media in Canada.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in a privately funded program in Ghana: A qualitative case study

Human papillomavirus vaccine coverage among immigrant adolescents in Alberta: A population-based cohort study.

Immunization coverage of children in care of the child welfare system in high-income countries: A systematic review

Immunization coverage of children in the child welfare system: A systematic review protocol

Immunization information systems in Canada: Attributes, functionality, strengths and challenges

Immunization status of children at kindergarten entry in Alberta, Canada

Impact of combination of MMRV vaccine on first-dose coverage for measles and varicella: A population-based study

Impact of maternal depression and anxiety on immunization status of children: A prospective cohort study.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vaccine coverage for early childhood vaccines in Alberta, Canada: A population-based retrospective cohort study

Improved vaccine coverage for First Nations children receiving first dose on-reserve: A retrospective cohort study in western Canada.

Inclusion of intersectionality in studies of immunization uptake in Canada: A scoping review

Inclusion of intersectionality in studies of immunization uptake in Canada: A scoping review. Vaccine.

Individual preferences for child and adolescent vaccine attributes and immunization service delivery: A systematic review of the stated preference literature

Influenza virus detection in the stool of children with acute gastroenteritis.

Intersecting inequities in COVID-19 vaccination: A discourse analysis of information use and decision-making among ethnically diverse parents in Canada.

Interventions to help people understand community immunity: A systematic review.

Is ‘conflict of interest’ a misnomer? Managing interest in immunization research and evaluation.

Is there a difference in the immune response, efficacy, effectiveness and safety of seasonal influenza vaccine in males and females? A systematic review

Is varicella vaccination associated with pediatric arterial ischemic stroke? A population-based cohort study

Maternal perceptions of childhood vaccination: Explanations of reasons for and against vaccination.

Maternal understanding of diarrhoea-related dehydration and its influence on ORS use in Indonesia

Measurement of coverage, compliance, and determinants of uptake in a publicly-funded rotavirus vaccination programme: A retrospective cohort study

Measuring inequalities in COVID-19 vaccination uptake and intent: Results from the Canadian Community Health Survey 2021

Measuring vaccine acceptance among Canadian parents: A survey of the Canadian Immunization Research Network.

Methodological Challenges when Using Routinely Collected Health Data for Research: A scoping review.

Methods used for immunization coverage assessment in Canada: A Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) study

Neonatal vitamin K refusal and non-immunization

One child, one appointment: How institutional discourses organize the work of parents and nurses in the provision of childhood vaccinations for First Nations children

Parental concern about vaccine safety in Canadian children partially immunized at age two: A multivariable model including system level factors

Parental experiences of caring for their preschool children after declining vaccines: A qualitative systematic review protocol

Parents’ experiences and information needs while caring for a child with functional constipation: A systematic review.

Parents’ perceptions on COVID-19 vaccination as the new routine for their children ≤ 11 years old

Patterns in COVID-19 vaccination among children aged 5-11 years in Alberta, Canada: Lessons for future vaccination campaigns.

Peripartum outcomes following COVID-19 vaccination in late pregnancy: Findings from a population-based retrospective cohort study in Ontario, Canada.

Practice report: An Alberta Métis model for COVID-19 vaccine delivery

Pregnancy, fetal, and neonatal outcomes following a first booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy in Ontario, Canada: A population-based retrospective cohort study.

Profiles in epidemiology: Larry Svenson

Racial disparities in COVID-19 vaccination in Canada: Results from the cross-sectional Canadian Community Health Survey

Reasons for COVID-19 vaccine refusal among people incarcerated in Canadian federal prisons.

Regional differences in pediatric pneumococcal vaccine scheduled for Indigenous children in Canada: An environmental scan

Relationship between enteric pathogens and acute gastroenteritis disease severity: A prospective cohort study.

Risk of febrile seizures after first dose of measles–mumps–rubella–varicella vaccine: A population-based cohort study

Risk of preterm birth, small for gestational age at birth, and still birth after COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy: Population-based retrospective cohort study.

Routine childhood vaccination among ethnocultural groups in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A national cross-sectional study.

SARS-CoV-2 vaccination intentions among mothers of children aged 9 to 12 years: A survey of the All Our Families cohort.

School immunization coverage in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective cohort study

School-based COVID-19 vaccination programs: An equitable strategy to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on children and their families

Sex differences in adverse events following seasonal influenza vaccines: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Sex differences in theimmunogenicity and efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccines: A meta-analysis of randomized controlledtrials.

Sociodemographic disparities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake and vaccination intent in Canada.

Suitable but requiring support: How the midwifery model of care offers opportunities to counsel the vaccine hesitant pregnant population.

Systematic review searches must be systematic, comprehensive, and transparent: A critique of Perman et al.

Temporal trends and determinants of COVID-19 vaccine coverage and series initiation during pregnancy in Ontario, Canada, December 2020 to December 2021: A population-based retrospective cohort study.

Temporal trends and determinants of COVID-19 vaccine series initiation after recent pregnancy.

Text message reminders to improve immunization appointment attendance in Alberta, Canada: The Childhood Immunization Reminder Project pilot study

The evolution of vaccine hesitancy through the COVID-19 pandemic: A semi-structured interview study on booster and bivalent doses.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on parents’ perceptions and acceptance of routine childhood vaccination in Canada: A national longitudinal study.

The impact of time since vaccination and study design on validity in parental recall of childhood vaccination status in the All Our Families cohort

The impact of varicella vaccination on paediatric herpes zoster epidemiology: A Canadian population-based retrospective cohort study

The influence of place on COVID-19 vaccine coverage in Alberta: A multilevel analysis

The pot calling the kettle black: Accuracy of classifying immunization status by registry versus parent report

Timeliness and completeness of routine childhood vaccinations in children by two years of age in Alberta, Canada.

Transition to endemic: Acceptance of additional COVID-19 vaccine doses among Canadian adults in a national cross-sectional survey

Transition to endemic: Acceptance of additional COVID-19 vaccine doses among Canadian adults in a national cross-sectional survey.

Understanding parents’ experiences when caring for a child with functional constipation: Interpretive description study.

Understanding the influence of web-based information, misinformation, disinformation and reinformation on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: Protocol for a multicomponent study.

Understanding vaccine hesitancy in Canada: Results of a consultation study by the Canadian Immunization Research Network.

Using health economics to inform immunization policy across all levels of government

Utilization of Mobile Reminders in Improving the Completeness and Timeliness of Routine Childhood Immunization in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Vaccination against influenza in pregnancy: A survey of Canadian maternity care providers.

Vaccination discourses among chiropractors, naturopaths and homeopaths: A qualitative content analysis of academic literature and Canadian organizational webpages.

Vaccination during pregnancy: Canadian maternity care providers’ opinions and practices.

Vaccine coverage of children in the child welfare system

Vaccine regulation should require and enforce the inclusion of pregnancy and breastfeeding women in prelicensure clinical trials

Vaccines: A First Nations Childhood Immunization Video for Expectant Parents